周六夜现场: 亚当·桑德勒精选集
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Adam Sandler
- 主演:Adam Sandler
- 其他:1999年 / 7.7分 / 美国 /
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Adam Sandler
周六夜现场: 亚当·桑德勒精选集原名:Saturday Night Live: The Best of Adam Sandler,
Before he was Happy Gilmore, Little Nicky, The Waterboy, or Billy Madison, Adam Sandler was doing Saturday Night Live playing hilarious characters and singing hilarious songs like the Hanukkah song and Christmas song. Watch Adam act in his own star studded way as Canteen Boy, Cajun Man, Opera Man, and much ****!
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Linhiriel 2019-05-01
我在90s的桑德勒身上get到了00s的本阿福是怎么回事【现任卡司讲fav sketches都提到opera man所以周六回来主持的时候拜托带他出来唱几条新闻嘛
artoo 2010-01-04
"farley ran into ** office like 'we're getting fired'"——100120
cody 2010-05-15
bad boys都出过best了吧 sandman和farley的最优 spade那集也还行
Hey Johnny 2012-01-12