Does it need to be said ?
- 主演:Craig Ferguson
- 其他:2011年 / 8.2分 / 美国 / 喜剧
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Craig Ferguson
这还用说吗?原名:Does it need to be said ?,
The gloriously ribald Scot, Craig Ferguson takes to the stage in this all-new comedy special for a night of jokes and storytelling peppered with the kinds of words he's not allowed to say on network TV. Before a hootin' and hollerin' Nashville audience, Ferguson tackles every topic from celebrity *** scandals to booze to his own hilarious heavy metal past. If you only know Crai...
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Virgil 2024-12-04
前1/3比较好笑后面lost me……标题梗不错,heterosexual段子感觉到一丝投机,啧啧
cc 2013-01-19
dose this need to be said?dose this need to be said by me?dose this need to be said by me now? 另:土豆有资源
deadline 2014-01-02
虽然stand-up做得真的不好,但是满地掉节*乱耍宝的雷叔超级adorable!整场最印象深刻的是雷叔说的“每个人表达自己的意见前都应该问自己这三个问题:Does it need to be said?Does it need to be said by me?Does it need to be said by me right now?”
Label 2013-06-29
though i love this man beyond ** words, this is lame.
Crumbs 2021-05-11
叔年轻时好帅,中老年特别可爱。Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said by me right now? 这三句话真的可以作为网民自省箴言。
司马良木 2015-03-02
GGH&& 2013-10-24
April 2014-12-31
BLANK404 2024-06-04
基本就是半talk show about节目幕后的故事+stand up串场小技巧拼出来的专长。吐槽Tiger Wood**丑闻的笑话还是挺出名的。虽然不是很**但是喜欢persona和小技巧。
喵🐱 2013-04-05