超炫美式机车 第一季
American Chopper Season 1
- 别名:美式太子摩托 / American Chopper: The Series
- 主演:Paul Teutul Sr.,小保罗特鲁尔,杰·雷诺
- 其他:2002年 / 9.1分 / 美国 / 喜剧 , 运动
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Paul Teutul Sr.,小保罗特鲁尔,杰·雷诺
超炫美式机车 第一季原名:American Chopper Season 1,又名美式太子摩托、American Chopper: The Series
American Chopper is a reality television series that airs on Discovery Channel, produced by Pilgrim Films & Television. The series centers on Paul Teutul, Sr. (frequently called Senior), and his son Paul Teutul, Jr. (also known as Paulie or simply Junior), who manufacture custom motorcycles. Orange County Choppers is in Newburgh, New York. The contrasting attitudes of the two m...
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John Stone 2013-04-15
We build motorcycles. We build American culture. And we build American dream.
JinkJouL 2008-04-21