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If I Should Fall from Grace: The Shane MacGowan Story

If I Should Fall from Grace: The Shane MacGowan Story

  • 主演:Nick Cave,Philip Chevron,Victoria Clarke
  • 其他:2003年 / 未知分 / 爱尔兰 / 纪录片 , 音乐
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  • 主演:

    Nick Cave,Philip Chevron,Victoria Clarke


If I Should Fall from Grace: The Shane MacGowan Story

Music videos and archived footage supplement recent interviews in this documentary of ex-Pogues singer Shane MacGowan. We follow his life from the early days in Ireland and England, through his formation of - and later dismissal from - The Pogues, to his new band The Popes. Shane's family, friends, and former bandmates comment on the music, the rumors, and the alcohol

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