Som en Zorro
- 主演:安妮卡·哈林,Amanda Davin,Fredrik Gunnarsson
- 其他:2012年 / 未知分 / 瑞士 / 剧情 , 短片
- 点播
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- 主演:
安妮卡·哈林,Amanda Davin,Fredrik Gunnarsson
Som en Zorro
The story is that of Zorro and his best friend Kevin. Zorro, his mother Meta and his older sister Zavanna lives in a messy, run down apartment. Zorro's father is dead and his mother is an alcoholic but despite their situation they share a strong bond. Kevin and his family live in one of the **** expensive family homes in the area. Although they are financially well off, the fat...
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William H D Lee 2021-10-20
Zorro and his best friend Kevin