Copacul dorințelor: Amintiri din copilărie
- 别名:The Wishing Tree: Childhood Memories
- 主演:
- 其他:2021年 / 未知分 / 罗马尼亚 /
- 点播
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- 云播TP
- 支持手机,可直接点击观看
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- 主演:
愿望树:童年记忆原名:Copacul dorințelor: Amintiri din copilărie,又名The Wishing Tree: Childhood Memories
Mara, a 12-year-old girl living with her grandfather, suffers from an incurable illness, an aggressive form of cancer. She discovers a way out of the grey and painful world: a magic tree located near the Hospice Casa Speranţei centre in Adunaţii Copăceni. This turns out to be a portal to the fantastic world of Ion Creangă. She reaches Humuleşti, where she experiences the advent...
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