Rebel Women: The Great Art Fight Back
- 主演:Judy Chicago,Daria Dorosh,Rose English
- 其他:2018年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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Judy Chicago,Daria Dorosh,Rose English
叛逆女性:伟大的艺术反击原名:Rebel Women: The Great Art Fight Back,
Out of the tumult and fervour of the late 1960s emerged a generation of artists who set out to start a revolution. As women around the world joined forces to fight for liberation, the formative art movement of the last **** decades was about to explode into being. On both sides of the Atlantic, women were tearing up art history and reinventing the arena of art with experimental...
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重命名第29天 2018-08-03
"The function of feminist art is an investigation and exploration, not an affirmation of ‘this is what it is’. We didn’t know, we had to find out."