Saturday Night Live Nick Jonas
- 主演:尼克·乔纳斯,贝克·班尼特,艾迪·布莱恩特
- 其他:2021年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 喜剧 , 音乐
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周六夜现场:尼克·乔纳斯原名:Saturday Night Live Nick Jonas,
Season 46 | Episode 14
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🍄 2022-03-13
daddy gives me hope and confidence. he did. but you had a go at me for not calling back?? youve made quite a name for yourself. I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me some of which have already left me. next yr ill be yelling your name from the sideline of the 🐎 field. some ppl dont have the idea of sharing thing among friends well ill share, for those who been losing popularity make sure the weight of you love is evenly distributed. he has a whole complete life, If i don’t recognize that, im not describing the full picture. once beautiful, always beautiful. to daddy. (forever beautiful) someday daddy will form that shape only for me.
突然粉碎 2021-02-28
疾走 2021-03-04
Post-COVID Dating lol "I'm Susan Johnson." " I'm John Susanson." "It must be fate." Weekend ****** is pretty punchy too. I never found the Jonas Brothers cute. Nick Jonas is actually okay. Double-ended lesbos...eh...lol
蚂蚁没问题 2021-03-02
姜小白 2021-03-01
比上the late late show表现好,第二首歌的衣*很好看,因为不用唱Jealous所有人包括Nick都松了一口气。感觉接下来就是Weeknd来了。
周一就酱 2021-09-15
经弹幕多次提醒确实承认小乔气有点短,但我觉得舞台现场还是挺稳的,先看的muder show mv,他一出场确实吸引我了
夏之城 2021-03-01
小乔的唱功真的是一言难尽 没想到不但当了音乐嘉宾还能做选秀评委 每次看到他抽筋的面部表情 真的是活生生的例证:还是单纯的做一个jock就好。这一期的段子有点疲软 嘉宾本身也没带来太多增色 如果不算他*繁秀肌肉之外的话。
kidultcc 2021-03-20
"Frasier was the show that made Friends look black" hhh这句吐槽好精准 (又想跳这个大坑了
日落可以慢半拍 2021-03-01
本期最好笑的段子是嘲讽Ted Cruz的he is always the kill in F Marry Kill 绝绝子👍还有Frasier was the show that made Friends look black哈哈哈哈但Frasier这剧真的贼好看 然后俩首歌不如搞笑的那个murder show好听
妮可***得慢 2021-03-01
多希望他美丽的印度妻子也有来客串。那个Lesbos的段子我还特地去查了为什么是double ended,我还是太天真了!!