La Terre vue du cœur
- 别名:Hubert Reeves : La Terre vue du cœur / Earth: Seen from the Heart
- 主演:Hubert Reeves
- 其他:2018年 / 未知分 / 加拿大,法国 / 纪录片
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Hubert Reeves
从心看地球原名:La Terre vue du cœur,又名Hubert Reeves : La Terre vue du cœur、Earth: Seen from the Heart
Having lived for 40 years on an old farm in northern Burgundy, Quebec astrophysicist Dr. Hubert Reeves has observed the deterioration of nature around his property. Faced with this threat to the Earth's ecosystem, the scientist shares his concern in regards to the imminent possibility of a sixth extinction of animal and plant species on the planet. Reeves and French sociologist...
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**怎么了 2020-04-05
UGC Ciné Cité Confluence, Lyon (30.11.18).