Dancing Queen
- 主演:Justin Johnson
- 其他:2018年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 音乐 , 真人秀
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Justin Johnson
阿丽莎·爱德华兹:变装舞后原名:Dancing Queen,
A docu-series that follows Justin Johnson, aka drag superstar Alyssa Edwards, as he juggles his dance life, drag life, family life, and love life.
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橙司徒 2019-01-02
想要把dance moms们一个个全都赶出去。。。
幸运的铁 2018-10-09
Hansen 2019-04-27
Josh 2020-09-12
我最爱的dragqueen,没有之一。you are such a beautiful person!!!! 看了这个更爱你了!!!the one and only Alyssa Edwards!!!!!只看了一次的现场,但你tour的太少了,如果还来阿姆我必须去!!!!!! 一定要说riley的眼睛真的太美了,比玻璃球还亮,那么通透,红红的头发,真的太美了。
乐乐的le 2021-09-29
Queen J 2018-10-09
I knew US dancers are 'crazy' for a reason(they compete for living...)! Also the myth of American dancing mums r true...This show is a lot of fun! Justin is amazing (high-pitch voice inserted)!
QuietAmbassa 2023-05-07
3.5 binged in 1 night. Dance studio drama mingled with Justin’s personal storyline with lip-syncing music numbers that lasted for too long. Reality tv is crack that’s why I don’t touch it (there are exceptions tho). Dance moms are a bunch of Karens that can rival Asian parents in terms of competitiveness
PPOATM 2018-10-10
haha. Alyssa Edwards, always and forever!
蝴蝶酥** 2021-10-01
Dance moms太吵了,多少有点心理问题,但是孩子们真是厉害!** favorite DQ!继续享受现在的生活吧!
B-B-B 2019-02-20
Alyssa Edwards!!!! Fucking love her