Comedy Central Roast of Steve Hofmeyr
- 主演:特雷弗·诺亚,Steve Hofmeyr
- 其他:2012年 / 未知分 / South Africa / 喜剧 , 脱口秀
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South Africa
- 主演:
特雷弗·诺亚,Steve Hofmeyr
Comedy Central Roast of Steve Hofmeyr
The Comedy Central Roast of Steve Hofmeyr, Comedy Central's first ever African "Roast" featured the roasting of controversial public figure, Steve Hofmeyr, by an all star "roasting" panel consisting of Kuli Roberts, Casper De Vries, John Vlismas, Robert Whitehead, Anele Mdoda, Shaleen Surtie-Richards, David Kau, Minki Van Der Westhuizen and Trevor Noah.
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