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The Show About The Show

The Show About The Show

  • 主演:贝特西·艾顿,肯塔克·奥德利,Kayvon Afshari
  • 其他:2017年 / 未知分 / 美国 /
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  • 主演:

    贝特西·艾顿,肯塔克·奥德利,Kayvon Afshari


The Show About The Show

Independent Filmmaker Caveh Zahedi is trying to make a television show. He persuades BRIC TV, a Brooklyn non-profit Arts organization, to finance a television show whose premise is that every episode will be about the ****** of the previous episode. In the process of creating the show, everything can-and does-go wrong. The cast, a who's who of Brooklyn's independent filmmaking ...

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