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A Messenger from the Shadows

A Messenger from the Shadows

(Notes on Film 06 A/Monologue 01)

  • 别名:Notes on Film 06 A / Monologue 01
  • 主演:
  • 其他:2013年 / 未知分 / 奥地利 /
  • 点播
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A Messenger from the Shadows原名:(Notes on Film 06 A/Monologue 01),又名Notes on Film 06 A、Monologue 01

Actor Lon Chaney is an iconic figure of the silent horror. He played Quasimodo and the eponymous lead in The Phantom of the Opera, and he also appeared in ten films directed by Tod Browning. This imaginative hour-long compilation of excerpts from his surviving works offers a new take on early films and comes with an unsettling soundtrack from Bernhard Lang.

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