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Et la Neige n’Etait Plus...

Et la Neige n’Etait Plus...

  • 别名:And the Snow Was No Longer...
  • 主演:Thomas Coulibaly,Ndéye Diarra
  • 其他:1965年 / 未知分 / 塞内加尔 /
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  • 主演:

    Thomas Coulibaly,Ndéye Diarra


Et la Neige n’Etait Plus...又名And the Snow Was No Longer...

Director Ababacar Samb-Makharam’s short on the tensions confronting Senegalese with feet in both worlds–the European and the African–is both compelling and quaint. The narration is a series of questions for a prodigal who’s “back in your homeland (which you) yearned for in the cold and snow of Europe’s cities,” while our protagonist is sleek in a tailored suit; he’s returned to...

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