珠穆朗玛峰:攀越极限 第三季
Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3
- 主演:Greg Stebner
- 其他:2009年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片 , 冒险
- 点播
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电影集合 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!
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- 主演:
Greg Stebner
珠穆朗玛峰:攀越极限 第三季原名:Everest: Beyond the Limit Season 3,
It's a new season on Everest, the world's deadliest mountain, and **** climbers than every have arrived at Base Camp ready to risk their lives to stand on top of the world. Huge avalanches tear down the mountain at 200 miles an hour and strike terror into the hearts of rookies and expert mountaineers alike; an ******* climber makes Everest history with a daring dash for the sum...
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shen.yanigans 2015-06-18
hyhyhyhy 2021-12-08
摘当年memo: 致敬所有sherpas 神一般的存在:每年season开始前先要背着绳索梯子爬一遍把东西安置好,还要随时像哄小孩一样哄那些坐地上死活就是不肯动的客人继续爬,其中最传奇的phurba Tashi 14年一年登了21次