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Un grand cri d'amour

Un grand cri d'amour

Un grand cri d'amour

  • 主演:Josiane Balasko,Richard Berry
  • 其他:1998年 / 未知分 / 法国 / 喜剧
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  • 主演:

    Josiane Balasko,Richard Berry


Un grand cri d'amour原名:Un grand cri d'amour,

Josiane Balasko adapts her own play for the screen. Hugo and Gigi, a couple of star actors, have been separated for a while, and their public has started to forget them. A producer tries to get their careers going again by uniting them in a play, but the aggression between the two is almost too much for the company to stand.  It's a frail story, but the interplay between Richard...

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