Eyes in Outer Space
- 主演:瓦尔德·金伯尔,Paul Frees
- 其他:1959年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片 , 短片
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- 主演:
瓦尔德·金伯尔,Paul Frees
Eyes in Outer Space
Released initially as a featurette to theaters, this show came to the "Disneyland" show three years later. The focus is on the weather. There is a portion devoted to water, and how it changes forms. Then, satellites and weather prediction are covered. The subject matter may not be the most exciting, which makes the abstract animation and unusual jazz music the highlights.
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豆友 2022-05-01
“Released initially as a featurette to theaters, this show came to the "Disneyland" show three years later. The focus is on the weather. There is a portion devoted to water, and how it changes forms. Then, satellites and weather prediction are covered. The subject matter may not be the most exciting, which makes the abstract animation and unusual ”