My Nazi Legacy
- 别名:What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
- 主演:Niklas Frank,Philippe Sands,Horst von Wächter
- 其他:2015年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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- 主演:
Niklas Frank,Philippe Sands,Horst von Wächter
我的纳粹遗产原名:My Nazi Legacy,又名What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
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JoshuaLi 2015-11-14
制作一般,就是***纪录片的水准,但故事太好了,张力十足,当对亲人的回忆与现实真相相碰撞,面对他们各自父亲所犯下的罪行,有人谦卑愧疚的忏悔,而有的人懦夫一样极尽所能地逃避狡辩好让自己的世界观不崩塌,但另一方面,你却不能责怪他这么做,因为亲情是他最珍贵的回忆。Gene Siskel Film Center
momo 2023-01-08
多吃蔬菜 2018-01-15
Reconciliation - truth - you only accept the truth when you are ready to do so.
De Ajacied 2017-04-25
那个Horst简直(真的是奥地利人才是**深入骨子)… 尤其在Lviv那段… 倒是Hans Frank的儿子三观很正。另外心疼主持人……
doku, 2023-03-26
highly watchable, lots of T. but in short - two men who both have daddy issues, one loves his father, the other one resents
proletaricat 2020-06-06
Sands deals with this period of history in a variety of art forms- books, podcasts, plays, and this film. Somehow each is additive, contributing to our knowledge of how one deals with historical traumas and collective responsibility.
夕颜 2018-10-31
H: ** father was a decent person. N: He was not ** father. H: Maybe he was thinking “why I didn’t stop that.” N: Maybe he wanted to be a innocent child again, never had done these crime.