Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody
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- 其他:2015年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody
To mark the 40th anniversary of Bohemian Rhapsody, this documentary digs deep into archive to tell the story of Queen as it follows their journey from a struggling band gigging at pubs and colleges to the moment they captured the UK's hearts and minds with what was to become one of - if not the - greatest song of all time. Queen's formative years have never been explored in suc...
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罗花花的梅 2019-08-01
He was a songwriter and that's what songwriters do--a little bit of reality,a little bit of fantasy,a little bit of something that expresses your emotions.
蘸糖二饼 2020-04-20
“波西米亚狂想曲想表达什么?其实我很庆幸我们都不知道。我们都在猜测,所有人都有自己的想法。但据我所知,Freddie从来没有给我们讲过,他也不想告诉我们。我认为就应该是这样。Freddie要是还在的话一定会嘲笑我讨论这首歌的内涵。但我们知道的是,他有自己的想法,what he loved was to spin these little pieces of magic”
NowhereToYura 2016-01-29
大多内容都是老调重弹。但却越来越佩*Freddie,尽管Bo Rhap是一段段录成的,在全曲未拼接在一起前人们都不知道它最终会以什么样子呈现,但Freddie似乎早已有蓝图。什么语言都不能表达我对Bo Rhap的感情。第一遍听觉得好奇,之后几遍就是痛楚。此歌或许仅是Freddie的灵光乍现,但却是我一生挚爱的。
薄荷巧克力 2021-07-04
时间线跨度有点大,最后衔接比较仓促,最搞笑的part竟然是爱咳嗽😅 3.5🌟
Perfidia 2023-09-03
A little bit of reality, a little bit of fantasy.
THRILLER 2021-10-06
铺垫与发散其实都在围绕bohemian rhapsody,大量的一手资料也呈现出皇后真实、可爱的面貌。 对皇后的好感与狂热没有那么多缘由,真的很爱他们。
Gestört 2019-04-01
我主**在芒砀 2021-09-14
二零贰玖 2022-08-14
cactusblvd 2020-05-10
里面一些旧照总让我想起之前清内存不小心删掉的相册 啊好可惜