萨维尔街 第一季
Savile Row Season 1
- 主演:布莱恩·费瑞,Paul McGann
- 其他:2008年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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布莱恩·费瑞,Paul McGann
萨维尔街 第一季原名:Savile Row Season 1,
Three-part documentary series about Savile Row, the London street famous for its bespoke tailoring establishments. When giant jeanswear company Abercrombie and Fitch arrives on the street, the tailors fear for their future and identity, but in the past this resilient bunch have seen off the Kaiser, the Luftwaffe and Giorgio Armani. They fight back with an ancient-yet-modern bus...
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sarah🇺🇦 2015-07-02
’those who know, know', 'we'd like to see we're a household name in the households we want to be known in', 簡直是傲驕的冠軍。。// 強烈推薦第二集,Henry Poole & Co的tailor Dave Ward的中國行,笑***!// Patrick Grant有點vulgar,有木有?// 原來Paul McGann當過不少Docs的narrator呢
airy 2012-06-29
Muliang 2012-03-10
where the real clothes is made
Stella 2011-11-16
从三个episode出发,没有太多关于历史,只是穿插说历史,***说目前的情况,周围**了很多大牌,以及Armani的挑衅之类;第二集哈哈哈哈,说的是,跟北京方面的**; 第三集主要讲新鲜血液,主要就是未来要如何经营的事儿。